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I am an educator first, an educational innovator and thought leader (theory to practice) second and an educational researcher (discovery) third. I do not see these as separate scholarly activities. A focus has been on building frameworks and tools that help bridge the gap between STEM and with the Arts, Humanities and Business. In this pursued the goal is to broaden students' view beyond the technology to see interconnections with other disciplines. 

Given a variety of workshop on all of these topics (KEEN ICE, NSF EpiCenter, work on Team Teaching etc....)

Below are active projects XXX. many are interrelated (Click on the links to skip)


Reflection and Portfolios


Reflection Cards

Students working

A Portfolio

I have a deep interest in reflection and storytelling as a way to better understand 

It is integrated into every learning experience I create. Along the way I have created several tools and resources 

Reflection Cards

Part of eportoflio and 

And have given a variety of workshops and talks on the importance of reflection and storytelling. 


Ideas at Play

Ideas at Play is a group of educators and game designers who collaborated to gamify classrooms. Together we built tools and resources, ran workshops and gave talks at several conferences.

Link to papers, conference presentations and workshops
Link to out resource on Epicenter or at KEEN?
Paper from Cherly

ASEE Active Stuff

Moving Analogies

Moving Analogies is a pedagogical technique that uses physical movement (often as a group) to build powerful analogies to concepts. The movements are derived from a wide range of sources including agent based models, kinesthetic learning, theater and dance exercises and familiar kids games. Concepts range from teaming and communication to the flow of money in an economic system, how action potentials propagate across a synapse, and XXX

Accreditation and Assessment

What we measure tells a lot about what we value. And therefore a way to instigate change in any system is to propose different measures. 

Assessment (both formative and summative) is a critical element of all learning environments from the level of individuals to programs. I have focused my work on programatic assessment of engineering programs. As a trained ABET evaluator, and having taken part in two accreditation cycles of a new program, I have gain an intimate XXX. I gave a keynote talk at the International ABET Symposium in 20XX on how to incoporate the T-Shape (see below) into engineering accrediataion. I have also published papers on the intersection of ABET and Entrepreneurship <LINKS>, co-authored a report through ASEE that captured the voice of engineering faculty and was sent to ABET, and have been featured on the VentureWell blog <LINK>. 

Coding to Think

Coding to think is derived from the idea of Writing to Think - express oneself in any medium is powerful pathway to clarifying the nuances of a complex topic or system.  In coding, moving an idea from one's head to a working simulation forces deep consideration for the nature of the real world. 

What are the variables of the system? How are they interrelated? Which parameters matter the most? What are inputs and outputs? Coding to think exercises the critical thought processes that are vital to becoming a successful researcher or designer.

Read the paper below to learn more about how to incorporate Coding to Think into classes, the benefits and cautions, some physical simulations that can inspire coding and real student case studies 

<Link To Paper>

Product Archaeology

Like Mechanical dissection but more holistic for a product. Was part of a TUES Phase III grant and then went on to XXXXX

Was also Validated by several C-level industry executives 

Which won best paper in the ASEE Entrepreneurship Division. 

An expanded version of the paper appeared in XXX

Canvas Research

Are one-page, visual 

Built off of the original intention of the Business Model Canvas - to allow one to see all on one page the key features of any complicated system. And to record notes, discoveries and hypotheses that could help guide future work. It is meant to be a framework that is used iteratively in a process of discovery and creation

Created a gamification canvas to be used with Moving Analogies and a canvas was also created for Product Archeology. 

In addition I collaborated with Cory Hixson and XXX on a more comprehensive set of canvases that could be used in engineering, and more specifically entrepreneursip, settings. 

Immersive Engineering Design

Design Challenges and Sprints before they were considered popular in higher education. 

To reveal and put topics close together so that studnets can more easily see how they are interrelated

Coupled with Reflection

Senior Design Challenge

Paper Here


UN Sustainable Development Goals

The 20XX KEEN keynote that was delived live

And a 20XX KEEN Ted-style snap talk

Has been disseminate dout to others

And was 5 days in Chile


Much of my work in Canvases, Product Archaeology, Immersive Engineering design, Accreditation and XX

My scholarship beyond these activities has been primarily in how to help faculty incoporate 

Part of Standard EpiCenter where I created several tools and frameworks for aiding in faculty adaoption.

KEEN facuty development workshops

Several innovation talks around the world on how to help faculty think of themselves as entrepreneurs. 

<LINKS>Papers and Talks


Where Engineering and the Liberal Arts can come together


Point out BMEG 350

© 2020 Joe Tranquillo

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