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Biomedical Signals and Systems

BMEG 350 is a junior-level introduction to time and frequency analysis, filter design and feedback control as applied to biomedical signals and systems. For six years I offered a problem based learning version that challenged students to conceive of a new medical device and then build a working prototype. You can read a nice story of an example class project an read about pedagogy behind the approach in the 2007 ASEE paper below.

This past year I made two significant changes. First, I wrote a book to guide student through the theoretical portion of the course. The book enabled the course to be entirely project-based. You can downloaded an unedited draft of the book for free. Second, the project was motivated by students creating biological instruments in collaboration with students and faculty in the music department. At the end of the semester my students participated in a Bucknell Innovation Group IMPULSE performance in the student lounge. You can learn more about the project and see some pictures at the following website.

Biomedical Signals and Systems is a Junior-level introduction to XXXX

A hybrid course where the technical content is a traditional course but the project uses many elements of a democratic classroom 

Has been features in ASEE Prism!

© 2020 Joe Tranquillo

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