Below is work that is directly related to a systems approach. However, my other work often stems from a systems view. Visit the Work in Education Design and Arts pages for more
Complex Systems
Cardiac Work
Neural Work - stuff here
A systems view of Mindset
A systems view of Faculty Development
(ongoing work, Canvas, Mentorship Ecosystem)
A Systems view of Advising and Student Development
(Purpose and Reflection work along with ePortfolios)
Work in Memory and Human Experience (with John Hunter)
“Think Art: Memory,” an interdisciplinary conference on the arts, humanities, and science that will take place at Boston University on October 14 and 15, 2011
Neuro-Humanities Entanglement Conference at Georgia Tech
Emerging research in the brain sciences has set into motion fundamental questions relating to social, political, aesthetic, and scientific discoveries. This is an exciting research moment because it opens the opportunity for crafting theoretical and practical convergences between major issues that have long bedeviled the Liberal Arts with those arising in the Neurosciences. For example: what does it take to persuade—to move people from one position to another, or to get them to care about an event that never before stirred their interest? The old rhetorical and sociological conundrum of how one spurs a critical mass of people to alter their vision of themselves as individuals is now entangled with neural circuitry, empathetic processing, and legal disputes over conscious actions. Cognition, in short, has been brought into the heart of everyday life. Such new and unusual types of cross-disciplinary engagement offer a bold opportunity to rethink our educational programs and institutions in light of major research initiatives held in common.
To help foster, as well as model, these new kinds of humanities/neurosciences engagements, we are organizing a two-day conference at the Georgia Institute of Technology [Spring 2012] to explore the current state of neuroscience/humanities interactions. The purpose of the conference is to highlight the exciting encounters among cognitive science, neuroscience, biological sciences and engineering with the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts at the level of key issues we both share.
Topics include: Self-assembling the Self, Mirroring and Social Cognition, Literature and the New Sciences of Human Nature, Hallucinogenics and the Visionary, Brain Imaging and Non-Discursive Media, The Digital Business of Memory, Attention and Its Disorders, Experience -Driven Media and Devices, Neurophilosopy and the New Spirituality.
A Neuro-Salon, held in conjunction and amplifying the message of the conference by making the conceptual collaborations visible in material objects, is also planned. This second Salon would further the thrust to establish a permanent temporary exhibition space at Georgia Tech that we initiated last year [2010/11] with the inaugural Salon for Vision. It is hoped these thought-provoking installations will stand at the beginning of a series of interdisciplinary Salons demonstrating the creative and innovative art-science-engineering-technology intersections uniquely possible at Georgia Tech--to broad communities both inside and outside of Georgia Tech.